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Making Friends at School (by the EAT team)

Hi students! I asked the members of the English Ambassador Team to write something for our blog about making friends at school. This is their work. This is by Kirstie, Cheryl, Sonia, Angela, Cedric and Alvin.

Making Friends

We can play together during recess time. In addition, we can look at the plants at Herb Corner and Garden together. We can talk to one another when we are bored or sad too. We can help our friends with their homework or questions. 📕 We can also share our stories with our friends. We can play fun games with our friends. We can give presents to our friends. Once, I gave Candace a present🎁. She was very happy because she never had that in her life. She thanked me for giving her the present.🎁

We love and care for our friends. When we are sad our friends can cheer us up! đŸ„ł


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